Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Boca Chica in Cahuita

Yesterday after a 3 hour bus ride we got off of the bus one stop too early so had some local help to catch a questionable cab over to Boca Chica (the "hotel" we were supposed to stay). When we arrived it was humid and quite warm! We got a little tour around the place and its a very open roof basically. Chain and mosquito net sides. There are 6 bunk beds for the girls area in a very tight space! Little huts around with wood table, some hammoocks, and a little bar area playing music. Oh and a pool that I have no plans on getting in... haha.
Anywho... we just got an hour of training this morning and then at 3 today we have an activity but people have been arriving so much the last 2 days i can't imagine much work for each of us! Yesterday we had 2 people speaking spanish, a girl from holland, a few girls from germany and austria, a few boys from germany and austria, and some more canadians and americans showedo up today! We don't even have enough beds. Oh I forgot to mention we're actually in Cahuita not Panama. They're just finishing the Leatherback turtle season so I dont expect to actually see any. However, they have a couple other species i dont remember the name of...one started with an H though i think maybe hatchback. We talked to our program supervisor and on Sunday we plan on heading back over to the Pacific side where most of the Olive Ridleys are nesting in season now. Most of the people don't like our location and say the pacific side is much better...and especially with the space issues now that all of these people showed up there won't be much for us to do. It is definately primitive and takes a bit to get to used to but I don't really mind it all that much.
So yesterday after we settled in a bit we went down to the beach which is about a 5 or 10 minute walk. It reminds me of the Oregon Coast because it was very overcast with big waves but it was pretty nice. Warm water and weather. They have a little turtle hatchery they watch over all of the time for nests that were maybe in bad spots or whatnot.
And I am on this computer in Puerta Viejo I believe... a short 15 minute bus ride away but a big travel destination for surfers I guess. Its rained for the past like 18 hours straight though so it is really wet out. I know this is jumping around a lot but I only paid for 30 minutes at this little internet cafe so bare with me. Anywho we'll be heading back to boca chica in about an hour. Sorry it was a very disorganized blog... :) But remember I am new to this. Again...I am not sure when I'll next be able to post but until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great adventure so far. Great memories in the making. We look forward to following along.
